Monday, December 15, 2008

Abbie is OUT!!!!!

***Edited***I had to post this picture on this blog entry. Terri and her husband were traveling to Guatemala for a visit trip with Abbie. She SO graciously took a package for me to give to Rylan and his foster family being I knew I would not make it back there for his birthday. I had just had a visit trip in May 2007 when I met him for the first time. I was so sad that I wasn't going to hold him for his first birthday in July 2007. So not only did Terri take the package, she helped me arrange for our foster family to come to the hotel they were staying at and get the package (instead of having it delivered or leaving at the front desk for them)!!! When our foster family came, they took some great pictures that I will always treasure. This one is obviously of Terri, Abbie and Rylan. PRICELESS! Now that my son has met the two of them, I hope one day we can all meet one another in the USA!***
Oh my GOD, I have to give a HUGE shout out to Terri!!!! Her link in on my blog and if any of you have kept up with her adoption, you'll be pleased to hear that her daughter Abbie is OUT of PGN and coming home! Terri and I shared the same agency and that is how we met nearly 2 yrs ago. She was a huge source of support to me throughout our entire process. She signed the contracts to adopt her daughter a month before us, and Abbie has yet to come home. The lengths this family has traveled to pursue Abbie are unbelievable. No family should have had to experience what they did. No child should have had to go through what Abbie has. There has been incredible heartbreak, roadblocks, disappointments, and the list goes on and on. But the one thing they DID have was faith and determination and unmeasurable love. Abbie is so blessed to be going home to her family, finally. They have loved this child so much. Congratulations Terri, we've been praying for you all non-stop. If there was anyone who could do this, it was you girl!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this Karla! I'm so very happy and you have always been there for me through this crazy adoption mess. All of this was meant to be and maybe Abbie's adoption opened up the doors for those who are in similar situations like me to pass through PGN as well!
Your a good friend and I really appreciate it!

Next year Guatoberfest for all of us!!!

Vanessa said...

OH this is such exciting news!! A BIG congrats and what a wonderful Christmas present!! OUT!! OUT!! OUT!!

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......