Fabulous Blog award!!Thank you SO much Terri,
http://abbieandisaiah.blogspot.com/, for giving me this award! It's the first one I've ever received on my blog, so I'm honored! Since I've never got one, it took me quite awhile to figure out how to copy and post it! Hope it comes through ok!
Now here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
So here are my addictions:
1. My schedule. I've seriously become a scheduling freak (hmmm, that's part of my job that's apparently worn off on me). I put everything into my outlook calendar, including appts for the entire family, activities at school, upcoming fun events in the area, etc, etc and check it countless times in a day! Don't get me wrong, I still like spontaneous activities though too!
2. Caffeine. I'm an addict! I have to have some sort of coffee in the morning whether it be regular coffee, a Mocha, a Frappe... whatever! In the afternoon, it's a Coke or Mountain Dew normally. I've tried to cut back some, but it's a must for at least one of each every single day.
3. My Computer. I NEED it! I MUST have it! I need my email, my internet, my Ebay, my blog, my favorite blogs, my forums, my friends! It's got a bit better since Rylan is home, but still, I need therapy for this horrible habbit.... that I LOVE so much!!!!
4. Chocolate. Total must have on a daily basis. Even if it's a small piece of candy. The only thing you won't catch me eating is the disgusting insects covered in chocolate... otherwise, I'm in!
5. My kids. I obsess over every detail of their lives for what seems like most every waking moment. I think I'm above and beyond the normal parenting obsessions I think. I'm not over protective, just over obsessed. I want them happy, but I also want them to be raised as good people. Respectful and trustworthy, happy and healthy, proud of who they are. So when I see them with any upset or worry, or anger or fear... I freak out myself worrying about it!
Now for the 5 blogs that I think are FABULOUS!!
1. - Cammie! I think she is terrific. I had been following her blog for a long time and then coincidentally we were on pickup trips in Guatemala that over lapped one another. We ended up on a tour to Antigua together. She has a beautiful family and I still love following her blog!
2. - Wendy! Wow, what a test of patience and faith she has had. She and her family adopted their son through the same agency we used. They started quite awhile before us and just brought him home a few months ago. They also are adopting a daughter whose case was started after their son's. The adoption started off good and then things went bad. They haven't given up hope, nor have the rest of us who are following their story!
3. - Terri! Well, your the one who gave me the award so not sure if I can give it back, but I follow your blog the most, since we became friends 2yrs ago! What would I have done without you? We helped each other through some very dark and scary days. Terri and her family also used the same agency as us to adopt their daughter, Abbie. They started a month before us and Abbie is still waiting to come home.... although they are finally near the end!!!! Just a few weeks away and we couldn't be more excited for them!
4. - Lisa! I love reading your new blog and following the lives of your children! Your family is beautiful and so is your devotion to them. Lisa and her family also used the same agency as us bringing their daughter home a year ago. They also adopted a son from Guatemala. It's been another incredible journey with the happiest of endings....
5. Considered yourself tagged if you read my blog and have one of your own! Now I will ask a favor. If you do read my blog and have one yourself, leave your blog address in the comments section as I would love to follow you! I know I have lots of readers as I get lots of hits on my blog in a day.... so come on out and introduce yourselves!