Monday, October 13, 2008

First Tooth!

We had a major milestone today, Cameron lost his first tooth! I still can't believe it. He was sort of complaining a few weeks ago about one on the bottom being loose. I just thought he might have knocked it loose on something. Today when I picked him up from daycare, he was excited to show me how loose it now was. I about fell over! Aren't kids supposed to be like 10yrs old or something when this happens? My gosh, next he'll be coming with a driver's license!
Anyway, we got home and I started making supper. Me and boys ate, then John got home. Cameron showed him the toothe and John of course asked if she should get the pliers! Cameron went into the living room to play and about 10 minutues later he came back with his tooth in his hand. Unbelievable! My BABY. The one who's first tooth I eagerly watched for! I'm now holding it in my hand. Gosh, someone slow down the clock. I'm not ready for this, I'm really not!


Anonymous said...

He's getting big!!! He sure is a handsome young man!

Vanessa said...

Hopefully the tooth fairy will be really good to him!