Thursday, October 2, 2008


Thought I'd share one of my favorite pictures of Rylan in Kayla while in Guatemala December 2007. This was right before I had to give Rylan back to his foster family. Don't you think it looks like the two were dreaming of coming home? I do!

So here is a conversation from earlier today with Cameron.

Cameron: Mom, can you take me to school?

Me: No, mommy has to be to work early. I'd like to, but I can't

Cameron: Mommy I don't like daycare. I want you to do it.

Me: I know Cameron, but it will get better.

Cameron: Mommy, can't Grandma Farm take me (John's mom)

Me: No, she has to milk cows.

Cameron: Well, she could do it anyway.

Me: Not really buddy, unless you think she should sell the cows?

Cameron: MOM! She can't! Cows are important to farms! We need them or no one will have milk. Mom, you shouldn't say that (he's really mad)!

Me: HUH? Well, alrighty then. Daycare it is for awhile.

I swear, the child gets smarter every single day. School continues to go well. The daycare in the mornings has been a huge issue though! He did great the first few days, but then one day insisted he wasn't going. I drug him out the car when we got there, took him inside, set him down, only to have him run out the door and into the car again! Luckily daycare mom is experienced and knew what to do. She came out to get him and held him while in a calm voice said "bye mom, have a good day at work"... I climbed in the car and when I looked back Cameron was screaming and crying and dropped to his knees while being held by her. I cried the entire 25 minute trip to work. It was horrible! I obsessed over it all day. I was completely overwhelmed and I think even a little emotionally distraught myself. I kept thinking - my gosh, I've scared him for LIFE! So, when I get through the day to go back to get him, what does he say when he sees me.... Mom, can we stay 5 more minutes? That was another HUH? moment!

Beside the ulzer that I am convinced my kids are giving me, we're all doing great ; )

Rylan continues to be a breeze most days! He still gets up with the roosters but really, he is so great. He's been home 6 months and I can finally say that we are starting to feel normal. Like we've got our routine down and I am finally enjoying it all. It took awhile. This house was crazy... and I really mean that! It also took quite awhile for him to start to need me. He was pretty independent and that bothered me. I imagine he had to be while in Guatemala. He was used to that. It feels like a major break through now that he really wants me!

I have so much to post, but don't want to do it all at once. Anyone who knows me know I could write a novel.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Love the the pics!!!
Miss you!

Vanessa said...

My two girls are doing me the same thing!! When I turned down the street of the preschool the other day Olivia said mom I NO Mrs M!!! I was shocked that she recognized the street because the pre-school is at the end!!

Lisa said...

Wow! Karla I can't believe Rylan has been for six months already! Time does fly!!! It is good to hear that things feel 'normal' for your family now. It took me a bit longer to adjust but things are going good here too. Love your new blog! Lisa