Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Thought I'd start out with our Halloween posts by sharing some pictures leading up to trick or treating! We can't forget the pumpkin carving, especially since it was another 1st for Rylan!
So the week of Halloween night we carved our pumpkins we picked with Sonja and Kayla! Oh yes, did I ever mention our trip to the pumpkin patch with them? It was 38 degrees with 35-40 mph winds, and we got our first snow too which caused a white out on our way home! It was FREEZING out. We were shocked that the kids didn't seem to bothered by it! Didn't stop us from doing the fastest pumpkin picking you'd ever seen! After we got that done, we got some carmeled apples and headed to Mc Donalds for lunch! The kids loved seeing each other and had a nice time playing. Rylan absolutely loves Kayla. He gets all excited when he sees her picture or hears her name! And when he knows were going to see her, it's all I can do to keep him settled down. He calls her "Nina, Nina". In Spanish, it means little girl. That's been his name for her since our visits when they both were in Guatemala. Can you see an arranged marriage here? I can! I'm saving a post just for Kayla coming up too. Lots of pictures to share!
Well, the pumpkin carving was going great, that is for about 5 minutes! Just long enough for the kids to make a mess, then run their trucks through it when I wasn't looking, and then thought it wasn't fun anymore once I caught them! So mom got to sit by herself on the kitchen floor for about an hour and finishing. Hmmm, I seem to remember this happening last year with Cameron!?
So, once I was finished this is where I found the boys. They bailed on me and went into the living room to watch cartoons. Don't they look completely enthused to you!? HA! Men in the making I tell ya! By the way, the face Rylan is making is me asking them both to come back and help me clean up. You can just see the "awwww, noooo mom"! Cameron, we'll he was just tuning me out. Go figure!
And here we are all proud to say, is our finished products! Cameron colored the one in the middle. He actually helped me outline the ones that were carved too. My next post will be with Halloween pictures! They boys looked so cute!!!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Well the pumpkins looked great anyway!